Monday, 1 December 2014

four albums i like

I'm not a person who is good with music. When anybody asks me what I like my blood runs cold, because the true answer to that question is thus: either whiney white-boy folk music, or female rap. With that in mind, here are four things I have been listening to a lot recently and liking.
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea. I knew I would like this and I do. The singer has the nasally quivery voice that I am especially partial to, the lyrics are cool and imaginative, and it sounds good in my ears.
Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band - Outer South. This is the sound of a bunch of great mates having a good time (for proof, see documentary One Of My Kind). There are a few songs on this that I am not keen on, but I absolutely love Air Mattress (see above) and Ten Women. And Roosevelt Room. Basically anything Conor Oberst touches turns into something I will probably enjoy. 
Azealia Banks - Broke With Expensive Taste. I am so happy this has arrived in my life. I think it so weird and cool and creative. Also, the track listed above (Miss Camaraderie) I feel like I had heard before in a dream or something. When I heard it it made me feel weird in a good way, and it is still my ultimate favourite. I really don't like Nude Beach-a-go-go, though, and I feel the need for that fact to be recorded on the internet.

Nicki Minaj - Beam Me Up Scotty Mixtape. Although there are some dodgy parts of this mixtape, this is the Nicki Minaj I fell in love with. How can you dislike lyrics like "I keep three hoes, But don't call me Santa / And I am flyer then Reindeer in the Winta"? Brilliant, silly, funny, well done. Also I want to include the video for Pills n Potions, because I think it is one of the most aesthetically pleasing things I have ever seen:
Love ya Nicki.

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