Just a place for me to put a bunch of photos of ladies I think are badass, wearing makeup I think looks badass.
I have been hopelessly devoted to this photo of Rihanna for several months. The lipstick! The eyelashes! The plaits! The lipstick! I'm obsessed, and my brown lipstick enthusiasm has been fueled. Is Rihanna a good person? - I honestly have no idea. I know next to nothing about her, but I'm obsessed with her style. She always dresses all crazy and DGAF and I love that. Also, I read a Buzzfeed article about her meet and greets and based on that she seems like a top laugh.
My first, my last, my everything. No matter how many people she calls a bitch on Twitter, I just can't quit Azealia Banks. I still dream about one day owning the Yung Rapunxel lipstick. I love this photo because of the red lip / purple hair contrast and the big infectious smile. Flawless.
We all know that young (and, indeed, current) Nigella Lawson is a total dream, right? I can't get over the teenage-witch vibes of her wild hair and OTT eyeliner. She's reminding me of those spooky photos of the Manson girls in court but much much sexier. A cool girl who grew into a pretty cool lady.
My fringe-spiration: Grimes. I find her a very cool and inspirational girl, too, because she is so independent and self-motivated and just worked really hard by herself for a long time. I also am v into her mix of natural and artificial vibes, she gives good contrasts which is my MO. Look at her lil baby face compared to her grumpy scowl. Look at that lipstick! I'm in.
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